Omens of War

The Wayfarers Brotherhood is considering meeting the Muramites on their home turf to end their tyrannical ways once and for all, in a place called the Realm of Discord.

The Brotherhood is still puzzled by the realm, unsure if it will take the risk of going there. However, this team of wayfarers is doing what it can to learn from the Taelosians about the dark lands. There has been talk of preparing to build a portal in order to open a way to Discord – much like the Taelosians once did, except this time Norrath would have the advantage of preparation.

Taelosians have told the Wayfarers Brotherhood that the lands of Discord are most surely a twisted and volatile place – even the Muramites seem to fear them. Word tells of constant war there.

The Muramites have been heard commenting that Taelosia is a welcome break from the chaotic Realm of Discord, with its crazed creatures and dangerous magic. Nothing there is at it seems.

Everyone has now learned of Mata Muram, the leader of the legion – a terrible creature seeking to build the ultimate army by any means necessary, including stealing beings from other worlds.

Mata Muram is much older than almost every member of his army, and well protected. He is described by Muramites as unmerciful, powerful, a worthy leader – although there are rumors that he is obsessed with revenge against someone. Some Muramites have been overheard describing Mata Muram as some sort of dragon.

No one knows when the Realm of Discord and its counterpart, the Realm of Order, came into existence. In both are rulers that are all-knowing and all-seeing, yet are never seen or touched – much like the Nameless.

Passage to Discord
The Priests of Discord in Norrath believe they have been granted a gift. A unique knowledge has been bestowed upon them which they believe was granted as a reward for preaching the way of Discord. That gift, they claim, is the knowledge of a way to a world that is enveloped by Discord itself an ethereal poison that wreaks havoc and strife upon all it touches.

World of Kuua
The world known as Kuua was once a relatively normal place, like Norrath, until the influence of Discord seeped into it. There were a vast number of races in the lands, the most civilized being the dragorn. After the dark taint on the world, all races began fighting each other with fervor. The wars created a darkening sky filled with ash and embers. The dragorns stopped their travel and were called home to fortify their walls and the city from all outside influences. Little did they know that even the dragorns would begin to turn on each other.

The Dragorn
The dragorns are noble creatures who believe they were carved from of the heartiest earth and stone by the great dragon, Dranik. As a civilization, the dragorns valued courage above all else that was, at least, until the influence of Discord drew a shade of darkness over their world of Kuua and opened the door for Mata Muram s legion. Throughout their history, the dragorns led simple lives. The serfs kept their city and kinsfolk with full bellies and armored bodies. The warriors and knights often made courageous expeditions and patrols from their great city of Dranik to the regal palace to the northeast, fighting beasts and creatures that threatened to overcome their lands. There is a number of dragorn who were exiled from Dranik before and after the influence of Discord caused fighting among the race. The exiles are often on the outskirts of the city in the caves in Dranik s Scar or other outlying areas. They have attempted to organize and overthrow the high council several times with no success. Some of them feel they were wrongly accused and wish to return home. Some dragorn, most of the best fighters in the lands, were blackmailed or brainwashed into joining Mata Muram s legion.

Mata Muram and his Legion
Mata Muram is a dragon slave trader that has great strength and mind powers. He is but one slave trader in an organization of many. All of the various armies of Discord that are part of the greater enslavement force riding on the front edge of the shroud of Discord a rat race for enslavement acquisitions. Mata Muram conquers a large number of races and inducts the very best into his army. He sells the rest to other worlds.

The Riftseekers – Pyrilen and Gelidran
The riftseekers are the minions of an even greater planar race that have been granted to Mata Muram for travel between worlds and to seed Discord into as many realms as possible. The riftseekers have the ability to hone in on rifts in space, no matter how small, and have the magical means to force them open and sustain them. These creatures are chaotic and do like to cause trouble. Keeping their allegiance is difficult at the best of times. And if they are crossed, there will be trouble.

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